
Friday, September 20, 2013

One or more field types are not installed properly. Go to the list settings page to delete these fields: SharePoint 2010

Issue: When accessing Managed Content and Structure in SharePoint 2010 site collection, you get an error message.

Error Message: One or more field types are not installed properly. Go to the list settings page to delete these fields: SharePoint 2010.

Background: After recent migration from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010, when we try to access the Managed content and Structure from the Site settings. It’s through the above error message.


Tried to deactivate the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure features form the Site Collection Features and checked on the site settings page, managed content structure page option was disappeared. Tried to activate Publishing Feature again. It did activate but accessing Managed content and structure again throws the same error.


According to allot many blog/sites on the internet it is said that when this feature is activated it creates an internal List Relationships List which is used to store the variations details. This list is a hidden list and cannot be seen from view all site content option. This error occurs because this list was not upgraded correctly.

By looking at difference between a list on SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010 sites. the GroupID field from SharePoint 2007 site has changed to GroupGUID in SharePoint 2010 and the type of field has changed from text to GUID.

The solution is to delete the ‘Relationships List’ manually. You can access the list either directly from the URL.

From SharePoint Designer.

From URL, access the list and hit delete the lib from Library ribbon and from designer, just right click on the list and delete.

Note: Before performing deletion from either of the method, don’t forget to deactivate the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature and after performing deletion, remember to activate the feature again.

Now you can check the list containing the column GroupGuid of type GUID. Try to access Managed Content and Structure and it should work now.  

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know.

I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues, thank you.

Technet Wiki Reference

Applies to: SharePoint Foundation Server 2010, SharePoint 2010, IE7, IE8, Outlook 2007, and Outlook 2010. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Unattended Service Account Application ID is not specified or has an invalid value + VISIO + SharePoint 2010

 Today’s article is based on an alert which has been triggered by Health Analyzer and it’s based on VISIO SERVICE APPLICATION.

What’s the problem? How that alert has been triggered?

Let me explain this scenario step by step so that there will be no confusion-
My manager has asked me to create a Visio service application with respect to some upcoming project that we need to work on…So I simply go ahead and created the requested service application and replied back by saying please start the testing and reach out to me in case of any issues. I was pretty much relaxed as I have done my job and waiting for the inputs.

So far so good- but I have a habit of checking the health analyzer every now and then to check of any errors/exceptions/new alerts/triggers.

Here starts the problem- I checked and found the following problem:
The Unattended Service Account Application ID is not specified or has an invalid value.

If you follow the above mentioned remedy then 100% your issue will be resolved but it’s not very clear and up to the mark and that’s why I am writing this article to make it more clear and concrete one.

Step by Step Resolution:

1)   Central administration
2)   Application management
3)   Manage service application
4)   Select secure store service SA
5)   Now you need to generate a NEW KEY (you can ignore this steps if you have already done it before)
6)   Enter the pass phrase
7)   Click OK

1)   We have to be on the same page i.e. secure store service application
2)   Now we need to click on NEW
3)   Now you need to fill 4 important textboxes
a)   Application ID: Make sure you enter something unique and note it down somewhere as we cannot change it back.
b)   Display name
c)   Valid email address
d)   Target application type- it should be group here
e)   Click on Next (Don’t change anything, keep the displayed info as it is)
f)    Enter your farm credentials (Domain\username) in both administrators as well as members section.
4)   Click OK

By this way, we have done 70% job completed (Phase 1 and phase 2) with respect to secure store service application.

Now we need to complete 30% with respect to the actual application i.e. VISIO service application.

Phase#3: -last step-
1)   Central administration
2)   Application management
3)   Manage service applications
4)   VISIO Service application
5)   Global settings
6)   You will see a textbox of application id- you need to enter the same application id that we have used in the above steps
7)   Click OK

That’s it- we are done. What you need to do now- very simple!

1.   Central administration
2.   Click on health analyzer link
3.   Click on the alert which is showing for VISIO
4.   Reanalyze now
5.   Gone!

Happy SharePoint to all of you

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know. I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues, Thank you.

Product applies to:
1)   SharePoint Server 2010
2)   SharePoint Foundation 2010
3)   SharePoint 2013


You do not have the necessary permissions to use the '' object"

Issue: Connecting a List to Access database throws an error message.

You do not have the necessary permissions to use the '' object. Have your system administrator or the person who created this object establishes the appropriate permissions for you.

Background: One of my clients trying to connect a SharePoint List by MS Access. After waiting some time, getting error message specified above. Also getting the same error message when trying to connect to MS Access from SharePoint by converting the list to data sheet view.

System Information:
·        Windows XP
·        Office 2007
·        Access 2007
·        Access 2010
·        SharePoint 2007

·        Tried to save list as a template and created a new list issue persist in both cases when saved with content and without content.
·        Tried to connect same list to excel and did not work.
·        Tried repairing the office suit, didn’t work at all.
·        This seems to be clearly an issue with the SharePoint List.

Tried looking at columns side of the list and did some deep dive based of the exact error were getting and found the below KB from MS, which was the resolution of the problem and gave a clear instructions to reproduce the issue.

Checked the columns names on the List and Valla, there were two columns which were using more than 64 characters in it title field.

Eliminating them from the list and connecting List again from MS Access to SharePoint does work and vice verse.

Reference: TechNet Wiki

Applies to: Windows SharePoint Service 3.0, MOSS 2007, MS Access 2007 and MS Access 2010. 
If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know.

I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues, thank you.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Pages are opening abruptly in IE7 when sending page as Email: SharePoint 2010

Issue: When a client send a SharePoint Site Page via IE it was opening abruptly in Email.

Background: One of my clients was trying to send the SharePoint as a page using the IE options, File – Send – Page by Email the page was opening abruptly. Nothing was in place. As unexpectedly it should be send by as a normal webpage.


Checked the IE settings.
Cleared the cache of IE,
Restored the IE factory settings but no luck in any case.
It seems to be more of the page layout issue.
Trying out IE options doesn’t help me. I gave a try to the play with outlook settings.
Checked various settings with outlook.
Changing the mail format settings to rich text did helped to resolve the issue.


Change the mail format to Rich Text and then send the Page as Email from IE.

For outlook 2007
1.    .Open the outlook
2.    On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Mail Format tab.
3.    In the Compose in this message format list, click the format that you want.
4.    Open IE, from File tab open the Send, Click Page by Email.

For outlook 2010
Open the outlook.
  1. Click the File tab.
  2. Click Options.
  3. Click Mail.
  4. Under Compose messages, in the Compose messages in this format list, click HTML, Rich Text, or Plain Text.
5.    Open IE, from File tab open the Send, Click Page by Email.
Following the above steps should send the page in the normal way as you see it in the browser.

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know.

I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues, thank you.

Applies to: SharePoint Foundation Server 2010, SharePoint 2010. IE7, IE8, Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Template for information Gathering or SMTD: SharePoint 2010

I have been working on an assignment and currently running in KAP phase of my assignment. You all know KAP phase is very important and need to run thoroughly with better care because it builds base of operation support.

I always regard “KAP without proper attention is a big GAP”.

As discussed in my last articles Phases of SharePoint Transition Plan: SharePoint 2010 (Knowledge Acquisition Plan) and What does it take to become Transition Manager: SharePoint 2010?, I discussed about the phases of KAP and touched little on SMTD i.e.  System Maintenance Technical Document, I realized that while understanding the clients different environment and having multiple sessions with the SharePoint SMEs, we tend to miss some of the important points to note down regards SharePoint environments.

Below I have collated some points for the reference to capture the most information related to SharePoint environments. It is always important to gather below information.

Ø Version of O.S
Ø Versions of SharePoint Server
Ø Versions of SQL Server O.S and SQL
Ø SharePoint Server Setup Architecture (With Diagram)
o   No Of App Server:
o   No of Web Servers:
o   No of Index and Query Servers:
o   CA is hosted on:
o   SQL Servers:

Ø Which Servers holding index and query server roles
Ø No, Dev, Staging, Pre-Production and Production environments.
Ø Load Balancer info.
Ø Excel Cal. Service, InfoPath Services etc.
Ø Outgoing and Incoming Email services
Ø Special Service Accounts information and rights
Ø Back-up and Restore Policy (If any third Party S/W is used)
Ø Site Creation, Administration Change, Site Deletion Process
Ø DR Process and Policies
Ø SQL Server set-up for the DR Process (DB Mirroring)
o   DB Structure
o   Content DBs
o   Search Config
o   Search Content

Ø Any Scheduled jobs running of the SharePoint Servers and Warm scripts
Ø Health Check Process and Monitoring of the services
Ø How the change and Problem management process
Ø Any current issues for SharePoint or on O.S Side.
Ø SharePoint and O.S Patching Process
Ø Service Applications List.
Ø Web Application List
Ø Maintenance Window
Ø BI features i.e. BDC and BCS.
Ø SQL Reporting and other reporting tool used.
Ø Any other reporting done.

To gather information on Search:

Ø Search usage – for Content search or itemized search features (like directory)
Ø How many users perform the queries per day?
Ø List of search pages.
Ø Does users use Advance search and if any customizations.
Ø How many content sources and their names. How many totals are in use?
o   Content Sources:
1.     How many items we have per content source.
2.     Schedule of the incremental and full crawls of the content sources.
Ø Search Infrastructure:
o   No. of Query Server:
o   No. of Index server:
o   Index size in GB:
o   No. of total items indexed:
o   Search Database size:
Ø Reports:
o   Daily search hits:
o   If OOB 30 days reports:
o   Most used Keywords:
Ø Best Bets:
o   No of best bets already in place, including the best bets from all the content sources.
Ø Additional Notes:
o   If any
Ø Current Issue:
o   If any

I hope this piece of information is helpful and useful.

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know. I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues, Thank you.

TechNet Wiki Reference:

Applies to:
·        SharePoint 2010,

·        SharePoint 2013. 


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