We never forgot about the basic in our life which we have learnt, but sometime there are some things which were left behind in our day to day experiences and sometimes they are regarded as stepping stone.
I am taking about a learning experience I had yesterday whilst working with a user who was seeing some delays on the SharePoint list.
Issue: User mentioned that they had some delays on their sites. When opening the list it takes allot of time.
Initial Checks: Checked on the site that list is quite odd with 22000 numbers of items and it also depends how many users were accessing the site at the same time. It was having 100 + custom columns, 50+ odd content types.
It was clear that this list is causing the issue; however, user demanded the analysis of the logs from Server or sees what exactly went wrong at that time.
Detailed troubleshooting: We always know that the best piece of information which always gives us this information is IIS and ULS logs.
IIS logs: can tell us about the number of user and load server was having at that time.
ULS logs: can tell us about the how List was behaving at that time.
To analyse the IIS logs for user load, I had used very effect tool Log Lizard also named as Log Parser (will talk about the functioning o these tools in detailed in some other article)
But to analyse the large list queries how we should go by looking at ULS logs???
I found a very useful article on this http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ronalg/archive/2012/03/12/troubleshooting-large-list-performance-sharepoint-2007.aspx, written byRon Grzywacz.
I used the reference of EventID 8sli in the ULS Logs and found the many queries like
06/30/2014 11:30:30.60 w3wp.exe (0x2A24) 0x29DC Windows SharePoint Services Database 8sli Monitorable List item query elapsed time: 9484 milliseconds, Additional data (if available).
From this it was very clear the large list had caused the issue. Now time was to educate the user on how to handle the large list.
Guidelines: On the guidelines to manage large list you can refer to the link. http://office.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows-sharepoint-services-help/manage-lists-and-libraries-with-many-items-HA010173667.aspx
Also you can refer to while paper to work with large list: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc262813(v=office.12).aspx.
Please read the best practice from MS http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc262787(v=office.12).aspx, around the list and list items.
Refer to the column limit KB from MS http://support.microsoft.com/kb/823555.
If you have any experience to share please pass on the comment below.
Applies to:
- SharePoint 2007
- Office 2007