
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Duet Enterprise for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP Server 2.0

I was thinking from so many days that SharePoint is very vast in terms of synchronizations with other tools such as outlook, Active directory, MS office and other external packages.
Though is SharePoint get Synchronized with SAP (System Application & Products). Basically SAP is a database / business information system used primarily by banks and financial companies.
More details on the SAP can be found here:
However when it comes to the Integration with the SharePoint Microsoft has its product named Duet Enterprise for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP Server 2.0
What is Duet Enterprise?
Duet Enterprise for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP Server 2.0 is a jointly developed product from SAP and Microsoft that enables interoperability between SAP applications and SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise Edition. Duet Enterprise 2.0 empowers employees to consume and extend SAP processes and information from within SharePoint Server 2013 and Outlook 2013.
Microsoft administrators and SAP administrators collaborate to deploy and configure Duet Enterprise 2.0.
About Duet Enterprise 2.0Organizations that want to restrict access of SAP data to their intranet can use Duet Enterprise 2.0, which is installed on a SharePoint Server 2013 farm within the corporate intranet. By using Duet Enterprise 2.0, the SAP data is surfaced on websites on the SharePoint Server farm. Those who are familiar with the first version of Duet Enterprise will be familiar with this architecture.
The following figure shows a high-level view of a Duet Enterprise 2.0 deployment.
All other resources for the Duet Enterprise are available here:
Explore what's new in Duet Enterprise for SharePoint and SAP Server 2.0 

Applies to: SAP, SharePoint Server 2013, SharePoint Server 2010

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

File comparison tool for SharePoint.

I was been working on comparing the configuration files in SharePoint today to check some mismatch on files content from two different farm.

The tool I had used is may be known to most of you, however, it came to me as a surprise that such tools exist in the Windows.

This tool is called Windiff.exe:

WinDiff is a graphical file-comparison program published by Microsoft (from 1992[1]), and is distributed with Microsoft Windows, support tools, certain versions of Microsoft Visual Studio and as source-code with the Platform SDK code samples.

WinDiff came with the Windows XP as a file comparison tool with the XP SDK and later was added to SP2 of XP.

However, it was sad news when I upgraded to Windows 8.1 enterprise version, Windiff has been removed from the windows 8 SDK. However, you have other methods of comparing files  

While searching for the alternative of the Windiff for I came across some free tools such as WinMerge: but loving part is the new file comparison command given in the windows: FC (file compare) is built in to the OS. Just open a command prompt and type FC /? to get the help screen.

I get a very good help from the Windiff and my purpose was solved, but will be using the FC (file compare in future).

Share your thoughts. J

Applies to: Windows XP and Windows 8.1 enterprises.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Unable to publish the articles using IE 11.

Issue: With the start of new year, I upgraded my Notebook O.S from Windows 7 to Windows 8.1 and with the start of new year following a new series of SharePoint Articles, when I browsed IE and opened, after the Sing-in, I get the error message.

Error: Possible Problem with your *.gwt.xml module file. The compile time user.agent value (ie9) does not match the runtime user.agent value (ie10). Except more errors.

This is said to be known issue these days with IE and does work good with Chrome or Firefox. In the Google vs Microsoft war solution is not yet available.

Suggested Solution: Some of the recommended solution across the internet for this problem are:

Just hit F12 to go into the developer tools and switch the browser mode to IE 9 and document mode to IE 9.  Google F'd up.

From IE, Go to Tools->Manage Add Ons, and look for "ChromeFrame BHO", and check if it is enabled. If yes, then disable it.

Some says to add the to the compatibility view.

One could be to degrade to IE version or to choose the alternative browsers such as Chrome or Firefox.

General talks: Microsoft says this error occurs when anyone tries to post to a account using Internet Explorer 11. According to Google, they have not solved this issue yet because they evidently left upgrading for the latest version of Internet Explorer till last.

For me none of the above solution has worked. Degrading the IE to lower versions is something I am sceptical about because updates always come up more enhanced features and security.

My Resolution: As of now I am using the alternative of using Chrome as my default browser until is not updated to work with the new version of IE.

Please share your comments if have faced similar kind of situation of have any resolution to this problem.

Applies to: IE 11, Windows 8.1 Enterprises.  


Happy New Year 2014 and a following good News…..!

Hi Friends,
A very great and HAPPY New Year. I have been away from the blogging from quite days as I was on planning to take a trip out with the family, celebrate X-Mas and New Year eve.
Everything went as planned and I feel sorry for not to bring something good for your guys as a part of SharePoint Learning.
First of all I would like to take this pleasure that MS has re-awarded me as an MVP-SharePoint for the year 2014. You can check the global announcement here:
Alongside I have got a certification of MCT from MS.
These two New Year gift as really precious for me and I would like to thanks for all my readers and extended support from my MS team Lead and fellow MVP for the extended support.
I have few things on my agenda for this year which I would be the primary points of attention this year.
Ø  Change the look and feel of the blog:
Ø  Bring up new real time scenarios.
Ø  Share information on How To’s on SharePoint 2010 and 2013.
Ø  Learn the basic Development skills.
Ø  Certification on SharePoint Server 2013 by mid of this year.
Ø  Buying a domain name to give the blog a new name.
Ø  Plan to conduct some webcasts and speak on different occasion when given a chance.
Again with this, I wish you all the luck to you and wishing you the very HAPPY NEW YEAR to your family.
Please keep on sharing your love and drop some comments with the feedback of the content.
Thanks and Regards,
Amardeep Singh.


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