
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Windows 2012 Certification Tracks Announced at TechEd

At TechEd, Microsoft Learning Director Don Field announced details of two new MCSE tracks related to Windows 2012: MCSE: Desktop Infrastructure and MCSE: Server Infrastructure.

The MCSE: Desktop Infrastructure requires passing exams for the MCSA: Windows Server 2012 track at the Associate level, then passage of these two exams:

70-415: Implementing a Desktop Infrastructure
70-416: Implementing Desktop Application Environments

Information on these exams has yet to be posted on the Microsoft Learning site.

The MCSE: Server Infrastructure is farther along in development, with exams available in beta testing format at TechEd. This track requires passing three exams:

70-410: Installing, Configuring Windows Server 2012

70-411: Administering Windows Server 2012

70-412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services

More information on the new Windows 2012 tracks can be found on Field's blog post here. To read our earlier news about the revamped certifications, go here.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Download Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Preview #SP2013

Downloads… Looking for the links? I'll keep updating this for the relevant links…

Start by reading this… Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 system requirements
Here's the Installation Key for SharePoint Server: 6RNT8-XV26M-GWH36-VMGQH-94MMH
Refer to Eric Harlan's How to Install SharePoint Server 2013

SharePoint Foundation 2013 Preview

Language Packs for SharePoint Foundation 2013 Preview – English, Japanese, and Spanish 

(Don't install English if you installed English bits on your farm)

Download Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Preview

Language Packs for SharePoint Server 2013 Preview – English, Japanese, and Spanish
(Don't install English if you installed English bits on your farm)


SharePoint Designer 2013 

SharePoint 2013: presentation: IT pro training

Click Here and Click Here

Monday, July 16, 2012

Issue: When you try to drag and drop Email message or try to create a new folder under the lib. And gets the following error message.

Resolution: MS confirm that this is by design behavior and applicable to Outlook 2007/2010 and MOSS 2007.

The SharePoint Roadmap: Where SharePoint Is Today and What’s Coming in Version 15: Read now

Are you getting all the benefits you can from SharePoint? If not, you’re missing big opportunities to cut costs and increase efficiency. Find out in this white paper why SharePoint is so important and what its next version will include. Read more.

Download Now..!


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