
About Me

I am a working professional as a Principal Consultant in Collaboration Technologies which includes SharePoint Server, Office Communicator Server with Wipro LTD.

My experience back ground started with the System Administration specially Windows Servers Administration and Network Management for CISCO devices. Now I am dedicatedly working on SharePoint technologies and had severed clients from different domain such as Microsoft SharePoint Product Support Services, Pharmacy, Semiconductor Manufacturing, Banking and helped them designing, defining, configuring and deploying the new processes using SharePoint best practices.  

I am very fond of enhancing my learning skill in every subject concerned to above listed technologies as I believe learning has no end point and I always tend to be a newbie for SharePoint.
Here on my Blog, I had shared some of my experience for SharePoint and learning experience to enhance your skills in relating technologies and will continue doing so.

You can always contact me using the ‘Email Me’ page, and I would be pleased to answer your queries or concerns.

Thanks for Visiting my Blog and reading the content. Happy Reading……!  

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